How do I Conduct a Practice Session in Webex Webinars?

How do I Conduct a Practice Session in Webex Webinars?

Practice sessions allow the Host and Panelists to practice an event before starting it without any event attendees viewing the event - think of this as a dress rehearsal before the show. Make sure you allow enough time for a Practice Session prior to the event so the event starts on time for the attendees. 
Note: Only the Host can start and end a Practice Session.

  1. (Optional) Before starting the Practice Session, click Share and select Share File. Select a document from your computer, such as a Powerpoint set to auto-advance, or a PDF with an agenda of the event, to broadcast to attendees entering the event.

  2. Once in the Webex Event, click on the three dots near the bottom of your screen and select Start Practice Session. A banner at the top of the screen will indicate that a Practice Session is underway. Only the Host and Panelists can hear and see what is going on in a Practice Session. Any documents shared within a Practice Session will not be seen by attendees.

  3. Attendees will see the file that was shared prior to the Practice Session, along with the initials and names of the Host and Panelists. They will not hear or see anything going on in the Practice Session.

  4. Once the Host and Panelist are ready to begin the event, the Host can navigate back to the More Options tab and click End Practice Session. The banner will disappear, and the Event will be live for attendees.