USM Inter-institutional
Reasons for Form:
Inter-institutional enrollment is a program that allows qualifying undergraduate and graduate students at the University System of Maryland (USM) institutions (listed below) to take selected courses at other USM campuses while paying tuition at their home schools. This program gives students the opportunity to augment their degree programs at their Home Institution. Students register for courses at both their home and host institutions but are billed only by their home institutions.
System Institutions Include:
University of Maryland at Baltimore
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland University College* (Global College)
*University of Maryland College Park Undergraduate students are NOT eligible to register at the University of Maryland University College through the inter-institutional concurrent registration program.
The webform is accessed by students through the UMBC Registrar's website.
Then the form will be directed to the Host Institution.
After the form is completed it will return to the Home Institution (UMBC) and be reviewed and signed.
Resources needed to fill out the form:
Course Information
Advisor Contact Information
Student Information
Host Institution
Undergraduate Students will need a VOT (Verification of Transferability) except for ROTC and Graduate Students
How to fill out the form:
The student who begins the process will answer and fill out the proper information in both the webform as well as the DocuSign form.
After the student portion is completed it will then move on to the Host Institution where they will sign and review the student's inputted information.
Finally, the Home Institution (UMBC) will receive the completed form and review and finalize the document and sign off if all criteria are correct and accurate.