How can I set up a collection of VoiceThreads to share?

ThreadBoxes are great for showcases, community collaborations, contests, conferences, and more. A ThreadBox is an embeddable space that allows you to gather VoiceThreads into a browsable collection that can be viewed by anyone. The ThreadBox creator decides who can submit VoiceThreads and whether submissions are displayed as part of the collection. 

Links marked with ↗︎ go to VoiceThread documentation.

VoiceThread Groups allow you to share your VoiceThreads with many people at once. Groups allow you to organize your VoiceThreads so that they are easy for your participants to find. VoiceThread Groups are effective for use outside Blackboard for committees and other collaborate work. If you are an instructor, you can bypass VoiceThread Groups and use VoiceThread Assignments, which integrate with Blackboard.