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About the FAQs
Academic Advising
Chosen Name/Changing Chosen Name
Degree Planner
How do I update my Degree Planner?
Degree Planner FAQs
Degree Planner & Advisor's Role
Degree Planner & Student's Role
Transfer Credit
Undergraduate Graduation
Are there clubs or organizations for pre-professional students on campus?
Can I run a report to find out more information about permissions granted to a student or given by an authorized person?
Can someone else pick up my transcript for me?
Does the advising office work with Pre-Med/Pre-Dental students?
Do I have to have a major in addition to my pre-professional pathway?
Granting Permissions
How do I change my major, minor, certificate, or track?
How do I enroll in more than the maximum amount of credits?
How do I find out who my academic advisor is?
How do I grant permissions for students to enroll in my class?
How do I know what day/time I can register?
How do I locate a student's campus ID?
How do I order a copy of my Official Transcript?
I am a current student, how can I view and print a copy of my unofficial transcript?
I am alumni of UMBC. How can I get a copy of my transcript?
I am a newly accepted student. When will I meet with an advisor and choose my classes?
I am a Pre-Physical Therapy student and need to complete volunteer hours. Where can I do this and does UMBC help?
If I am undecided about my major, what advisor should I contact for advising?
If I have general advising questions, who can I see?
I need an exception for dropping a course after the deadline. Where do I go?
I need more credits to get my financial aid but the deadline to add classes has passed, what can I do?
What are the Transcript Processing Fees?
When will the Schedule of Classes be available?
Where can I find the UMBC Reinstatement Form?
Where do I speak to someone about Pre-law advising?
Who should I call if I have a financial hold on my account?
Why am I seeing a FERPA acknowledgement?
Why can't I access the Registrar's Exception/Appeals Request forms?
Why can't my major be Pre- _____________?
Whom do I contact about Academic Advising and Registration?
What should I know about meeting with my academic advisor?
How do I make a course plan?
Do I have more than one academic advisor?
What if I don't know which administrative office to contact?
How do I complete FERPA training?
Athletics, Physical Education & Recreation
Billing & Personal Finances
Campus Card
Classes & Grades
Colwell Center
Computing & Technology
Facilities & Operations
Financial Services & Accounting
Health & Wellness
Housing and Meal Plans
Human Resources
Jobs & Internships
Placement Testing
Shriver Center
Student Disability Services
Summer/Winter Sessions
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Why do I have two emails associated with my account?
Academic Success Center