How do I delete an export or archive package from my Blackboard course?

Keeping export/archive packages in a Blackboard course can contribute to course bloat and surpassing quota storage (500MB). We strongly recommend that faculty delete packages from the course Export page after downloading. Each package counts against the course quota and keeping packages may result in limited space to add additional content to the course.


Tell me Original

  1. Navigate to Control Panel at the bottom of the sidebar on the left.

  2. Select Packages and Utilities and then Export/Archive Course.

  3. Click the action arrow at the end of the package file name and select Delete.


  4. A pop-up window will open, asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Okay.

  5. When the page refreshes, the package will be gone.

Tell Me: Ultra

  1. Navigate to the the three dots in the top right of your course. 

  2. Select Export Course Package

  3. Click the trash bin icon next to your archive.

  4. A pop-up window will open, asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Delete.


  5. When the page refreshes, the package will be gone.

Packages are listed in alphabetical order with the date and time stamp of the export/archive at the end of the file name. An export consists of course content. An archive contains course content and student data. Download the package(s) to your Box folder before deleting.

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