I am a new employee. How do I receive UMBC systems access/account?

I am a new employee. How do I receive UMBC systems access/account?

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When departments or offices need incoming faculty or staff to have access to UMBC computing resources before they have completed the hiring process, their payroll administrators can complete a UMBC Faculty & Staff Pre-hire form, so the person can establish their online identity and access UMBC computing resources prior to beginning employment.  
The Payroll Preparer will be considered the Sponsor of these accounts and is responsible for notifying DoIT if the account should be removed or deactivated if the candidate is not hired; or, they may request an extension of the pre-hire account expiration if the hiring process takes longer than the usual default of 3 months (6 months for DPS).  Sponsors are also responsible for the online identities they authorize and for ensuring that pre-hires are aware of and follow the UMBC Policy for Responsible Computing.

Pre-Hire Staff

Account Creation: The hiring department submits a UMBC Faculty & Staff Pre-hire or New Hire Personnel Action Request (PAR) form to HR after which the candidate receives a “Welcome to UMBC” email that specifies how to activate their account.
System Access: Complete the request form(s) for the systems to which access is required.  The Pre-Hire Staff member will receive a notification when/if the access has been granted from the responsible department.
Parking: Departments may request a two-week temporary permit for new regular or contingent II employees. The permit is valid for faculty/staff parking for 10 consecutive workdays as of the hire date. More detailed parking information available at UMBC Parking Services.

Pre-Hire Faculty

Account Creation: The hiring department submits a UMBC Faculty & Staff Pre-hire or New Hire Personnel Action Request (PAR) form to HR/DPS after which the candidate receives a “Welcome to UMBC” email that specifies how to activate their account.

System Access: Within 3-5 days from the form entry date, the Registrar will provide appropriate instructor level access in Student Administration (SA).   

Parking: Departments may request a two-week temporary permit for new regular or contingent II employees. The permit is valid for faculty/staff parking for 10 consecutive workdays as of the hire date. More detailed parking information available at UMBC Parking Services.

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