About USMAI Daily Reports

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About USMAI Daily Reports

About USMAI Daily Reports
(Ping Xu, July 2009)

Due to a position vacancy, the USMAI Daily Reports were not been checked from March 2007-May 2009.

I have investigated the Reports from Jan. 2009 to June 2009. Although there were few spots need to pay attention, but for the 6 months, there was no any system corrections needed for UMBC. Therefore while I am continue to check the New USMAI Reports daily, I will not go any further to check 2007-2008 reports. I have talked to Lynda Aldana (Head of Technical services), she agreed.

Few spots found in the reports from Jan. 2009 - June 2009:

1. Two rejected overlays need to pay attention:

a. OCLC has merged two records in one. The record in Aleph with OCLC #25201088 has a different title with the record in OCLC. UMBC does not have holdings attached to this record. I have notified College Park and Towson to check their books and take actions.

b. An ACQ-Created record with an OCLC number on it, BC has an order number attached to this record. The book received on 01/08/2009, but had not been cataloged. The book was found on the top of the Catalog Problem Truck. It has been cataloged now.

2. One overlaid record has a title change and the physical description changed from one single book to v.7-v.8. BC's holdings/items look good. I have notified Salisbury to add a volume number to their item.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian