Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Weeding of Government Documents Procedure
Search in Aleph
As with all weeding, the goal is to weed a specific item from Aleph. So you are looking for the most specific information available to retrieve the exact item.
If you have the physical item:
1. If there is a barcode on the item, use it to get the item/record. Most Government Documents will not have a barcode. Search by call numbers. The call number usually can be found on the book cover, on the CD container, and in the record printed out and with the item.
2. If there is no barcode, search by call number. The call number usually can be found on the book cover, on the cd container, and in the record printed out and with the item.
3. If call number search does not find any matching records, search the title. Watch for variations on the title.
If searching from a list:
1. Search by system number.
2. If no system number is provided, search by call number.
3. Search by title as a last resort.
a) Find a record
Check to match:
1. Title
2. Call number in record matches call number on item or from list.
3. Collection code in the item depends on what is being weeded. DCFED is print, DCCDR is CDROMs, DCDSK is disk, DCMFH will be microfiche.
Delete ONLY items where the collection code matches the format that is being weeded.
Do NOT delete any other formats.
If the above 1-3 all match then follow the Weeds Procedure to delete items, holdings, OCLC holdings, and records as appropriate. Record stats as instructed in Weeds Procedure.
b) There is no matching record in Aleph or a record has no BC DC___ or holding
This means that the item has never been added to Aleph. This is not unusual. Place the item with the other finished weeds together on a weeds truck.
c) Serials (300 field is a "v." instead of page numbers)
If it is a serial, usually only one item can be found for the whole collection. Check with Drew Alfgren to find out - do we still keep /receive newer publications of this title?
1) If yes.
Do not delete anything. Place these books with weeded books together.
2) If no.
Follow the Weeds Procedure to delete item/holdings etc. Record stats as instructed in Weeds Procedure.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian