Patron Purge Follow Up

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Patron Purge Follow Up


For work done in BMS post request to CLAS for automated deletions. These are items that could not be deleted via automated work and require hand deletion (orders attached, etc.), and for batch deletion by OCLC number of those items that were deleted by CLAS via automated work. 

The Catalog Librarian will supply 2 reports. 

1)      OCLC Numbers of all deleted items.

Use this report to do a batch deletion of holdings on OCLC. 

2)      Patron Purge Item NOT Deleted Barcode. 

This report contains the Item Barcode number to be used in deleting the item.   Orders attached to these items SHOULD NOT be deleted from Aleph.  This is an auditing requirement, per the Acquisitions Librarian. 

Items were not deleted in the Patron Purge because either an Order or Serials Subscription is attached.  Orders attached to these items are NOT to be deleted in Aleph. This is an auditing requirement per the Acquisitions Librarian. Serials Subscription must be handled by the Serials staff. 

For all of the items in the Patron Purge Item NOT Deleted Barcode report, the Weeds Procedure can be used.  or use the following guidelines.  Use these guidelines ONLY with items that are part of an automated patron purge and were not deleted because an order is attached to the bibliographic record. 

To use these guidelines you need to be familiar with the Batch Deletion of Holdings Process on OCLC.  In Aleph, you need to be familiar with the Cataloging Module functions of Search, Deletion of Items and Holdings, and the Suppression of Holdings and Bibliographic records.  You need to be able to read the Aleph tree and identify a BC Holding, and a BC Super-Holding, a BC Order or BC Subscription, and the subscription, order, holding and item of another institution.  If you are uncertain how to do any of these things or need any clarification, feel free to see the Catalog Librarian.   



Summary of Work

Use the Weeds Procedure or follow the guidelines below.  The Weeds Procedure includes much more detail. 



Use the OCLC Numbers file to batch delete the holdings on OCLC.

In Aleph Cataloging Module

Use the barcode number in the Patron Purge Item NOT Deleted Barcode report to pull up the item.

Item work

In all cases, delete the item matching the barcode number from the report. 

As a check, it should have an IPS of PP. 

Holding work

If there is still an item attached to the BC Holding that does not have an IPS of PP (Patron Purge), nothing is done to the BC Holding record,

The BC Holding record is DELETED, if you have deleted the only item that was attached to it.    

If there is a Super-Holding record, you do the same thing to it that you do to the Holding record. 

Bibliographic record work

If there is still a BC Holding attached, nothing is done to the Bibliographic record.

If another institution has a Holding record attached to the record, nothing is done to the Bibliographic record


The Bibliographic record is SUPPRESSED,

1)      if you have deleted the only items and holding records attached to the Bibliographic record and a BC subscription or order is still attached, or

2)      if there are no other BC holdings, but another institution has ONLY a subscription or order attached.

If there is still a BC subscription or order attached, the Bibliographic record is NOT deleted. 

The Bibliographic record is deleted ONLY if there is nothing attached to the record.   

Order work

Orders are NOT deleted.  This is an audit requirement per the Acquisitions Librarian. 

I:\BMS\Patron Purge\PATRON PURGE FOLLOW UP15 Sept 2014  Vicki Sipe

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian