Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Teaching Guide
Library Instruction Sessions for First Year Experience courses (FYE, IHU, FYS, PHED)
Learning Outcomes
Students will able to:
locate books and articles by using the library's online catalog and databases.
list characteristics of popular and scholarly articles.
identify contact points for reference services (desk, phone, email, chat, subject librarian consultations).
list reasons for citing sources, using a standard documentation style.
Teaching Outline
This outline is intended to fit into a 50 minute period, but can be expanded for a 75 minute period.
Introduction (5-10 minutes)
This is open to the individual librarian but should include some type of ice breaker, pre-assessment, or additional short activity. These slides can be used as an intro. Whatever you choose, please mention the following at some point:
-how to identify subject librarians
-subject librarians are available for consultations
-ways to get help.
This is also a good time to mention the learning outcomes for the class session.
Main activity (20-30 minutes)
Students work in groups of 4 (can expand or contract as needed but 4 is ideal). Divide students into groups of 4 (preferably in a way that mixes up their current seating arrangement). Students should move to sit with their new group.
In each group, students are assigned a task (1-4, handouts linked below). Students work on their task individually for 5-10 minutes. Then, pass out an answer sheet (handout linked below) to each student. For approximately 10 minutes, students will teach each other their task so they can fully complete the answer sheet within their group. The class instructor and the librarian should circulate during this time to be available for questions and check on groups for understanding.
If time allows, call on four random students (every student should be prepared to talk about each task) to demonstrate tasks to class at instructor's workstation. If time is short, call on students to answer questions on answer sheet and demonstrate at workstation as needed.
Conclusion/reflection (5-10 minutes)
This is a good time to revisit the learning outcomes to remind students what the goals of the session were and ask if the students think they were accomplished.
In addition, remind students how to get help when they need it and ask them to fill out the student feedback form.
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian