Faculty Test Submission Instructions and FAQ

Faculty Test Submission Instructions and FAQ

RT (Request Tracker) Test Submission Form Instructions

To submit a test securely to SDS, please go to https://sds.umbc.edu/faculty-form-for-accommodated-test-submission-pink-form/. It is that simple.

This online form replaces the hand-written paper “Pink Form” that has been required for SDS to administer a student’s test.

RT test submission summary:

  • The website link to the form is at sds.umbc.edu>Resources>Information for Faculty>Faculty form to submit a test to SDS

  • Please fill out all required fields indicated with a red asterisk (*). “?” buttons provide clues to the field.

  • To submit your test electronically (preferred method), please attach it as a PDF in the designated area. SDS will print out the online form (former pink sheet) and the test from this RT ticket.

  • If you prefer to drop off a hard copy of the test you will still complete the RT ticket form, but you will choose the “paper drop off” option. SDS will print out the pink sheet form and then attach it to the test.

  • Once the student has taken your test, you or a designee will come to the SDS office for test pick up at Room 212, Math/Psychology Building during regular office hours.

  • Please note that the RT test submission process is one-way. We can take tests in, but we do not currently have the resources or capacity to scan and return tests electronically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is SDS using RT for test submission?

Using the RT ticket system for test submission simplifies the process of receiving complete testing information from faculty, provides a secure test submission alternative to in-person test drop off, streamlines the SDS testing process, and improves test data tracking.

In addition, by having “required” fields on the online form, SDS is able to prevent the need for multiple email exchanges to clarify important information. The RT form also allows instructors to list multiple student names on one ticket, rather than hand-writing multiple pink sheets, one for each student, which will save instructor time and paper.

Is my test secure when I attach it to an RT ticket?

All attachments to an SDS-Test-Administration RT ticket are automatically saved in a secure Box folder to which only designated SDS staff have access. Other RT users on campus cannot view the test attachments or tickets.

What if I attach the wrong file or make a mistake on my RT form?

You may respond to the RT ticket to notify SDS of an error by replying to the auto-generated email you receive right after you submit the ticket/form. Alternatively, you may click the link to RT within that email you receive to open the ticket and type a reply. When you are in RT, you may then attach an updated test if needed.  You can also call or email SDS directly at 5-2459 or SDStesting@umbc.edu.

Why do you ask for so much instructor/requestor information on the form?

At a minimum, we need one instructor name responsible for the test. Additional instructor information is optional. While most RT forms will be filled out by a single course instructor for one course section, we designed the form to optionally accommodate multiple sections of the same course when the same test is going to be delivered across sections. Some departments want multiple instructors and TAs to be able to see if a test has been submitted to SDS. Some departments also have staff who fill out their “pink sheets” for them, thus we have allowed for that through our RT form.

Why do you need to know how long the test time is for the rest of the class?

We use this information to accurately compute the extended test time for which the SDS student is eligible.

What do you mean by “accommodated test timing parameters?”

This required field asks instructors to record any requirements you have about when the SDS student/s take the test. You may simply list a date and start time here. However, we left this field open for a variety of answers because instructors have a wide variety of parameters regarding how and when their tests are administered.

Why do you ask for a PDF attachment?

We find that PDFs are the most reliable way to ensure that formatting, spacing, page breaks and symbols will print correctly. We will accept tests in other formats and notify you if we find noticeable errors upon printing.

Can I use this form to submit make-up tests for students who miss an exam?

SDS can only provide proctored testing for students with disabilities who are already registered with SDS and are approved for a testing accommodation. SDS cannot administer make-up exams for students who are not registered students with disabilities.


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