Working with Deaf or Hard of Hearing Student

When using audio-visual based media

  1. Be sure to use captioned media in your course.

    1. When using captioned media be sure it is turned on.

    2. When turning on the captioning from a DVD or BlueRay, it may be found in the main menu under subtitles.

    3. When creating your own video for a lecture you should include a transcript or caption the video.

    4. Be aware that auto captioning on YouTube is often inaccurate and can be corrected via the owner of the video.

  2. A transcript may be used in place of captioning when the audio content is more important for the instructional purpose.

  3. When using a visual cue like Powerpoint it is important to remember that Deaf students will need time to look from the interpreter to the powerpoint and back to the interpreter.

  4. When ASL interpreters are assigned to the course or event.

    1. Know that the interpreters are part of the educational team.

    2. Provide the interpreters with any preparation material that will support effectively communicating content.

    3. Share your Powerpoint with ASL interpreters in advance of the class .

      If you have any questions or need assistance please contact the Coordinator of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Michael Canale at