How do I caption a video?

How do I caption a video?

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  1. First check to see if the film have captioning or subtitles.

  2. In the event it does not, you should check with Jodi Hoover in the Library to see if they have a captioned copy.

  3. In the event the film isn't captioned we can often request a transcript from the publisher or production company.

  4. If a film needs to be captioned, here is what you can do:

    1. If the film is 15 minutes or less, you can request to have the video captioned by DoIT's Instructional Technology group. See How do I request transcription for my Panopto video? for more info.

    2. If the film is over 15 minutes, contact SDS to request assistance.

  5. If you create your own film, we ask that you provide a transcript of the audio.