How do I preview and convert my course to Ultra?

How do I preview and convert my course to Ultra?

Instructors can use the Ultra Course Preview before converting their courses permanently. The preview lets instructors know which Original Course View features will not be available if they convert to the Ultra Course View. 

Preview Your Course in Ultra

The Ultra preview is just a preview. You don't have to make a permanent change to your course, but please note: Use the preview to explore rather than build.

  • If you like the Ultra Course View, you can permanently convert your course and make updates after committing to the change.
  • If you aren't ready to make the switch, you can return to the Original Course View. 
 Previewing your course in Ultra

Avoid converting a previously delivered course to Ultra

  • Once committed to Ultra, you WILL lose student grades & submissions.
  • Some courses cannot be converted back to Original due to the overall archive size (e.g., content + student data). Large archives must be restored by a system admin.

If you commit to Ultra on a course with student data, whether the course is completed or you are currently teaching the course, you will only convert course content – all student data will be removed. PLEASE export your gradebook and archive your course as a backup before you flip your previously used Original course to Ultra. Additionally, you may submit an RT ticket to have an Ultra Course Development created from a previously taught course.

  1. On the Courses page, select the Complete or Make Private icon on the course card.
    • You can only preview courses that are NOT currently open to students
    • You can only open a course to students if it's in the Original Course View or permanently converted to the Ultra Course View.

  2. Select the Experience the new Learn icon in the top-right corner of the page. 

  3. In the pop-up window, start the conversion to the Ultra Course View.

  4. During the conversion process, you will not have access to the course until Blackboard is finished.

  5. You will receive an email notification when your course is ready. 

  6. From the Courses page, access your course and check out how your content looks in the Ultra Course View. You can ignore conversion exceptions from the course template.

    The Ultra Preview

  7. After you preview the Ultra Course View, it's decision time! You can either permanently convert the course or stay with the original version. The bar at the bottom of your screen also contains options for your course view selection. 

    Select Back to Original course. You exit the preview and your course will revert to the way you had it before the preview.
    Remember, any changes you made to your course during the Ultra preview aren't saved if you go back to the Original Course View.

    Select Use the Ultra course. After you make the conversion permanent, you can open the course to students when you're ready.

    If you do not want to use Ultra, then select the option to convert your course back to the original Blackboard course view.

    Again, you will receive an email when your course is converted. 

Once you convert your course to the Ultra Experience, you cannot return to the original course view. 

Any changes you make to your course while in the Ultra Course View preview won't be saved if you exit the preview and choose to continue in the Original Course View. If you choose to permanently convert your course to Ultra, the changes you made during the preview are saved.

 Watch the Video

Convert Your Course to Ultra

As we move into the final year of our Ultra migration, many departments have opted to create courses using Ultra. For those instructors who haven't migrated to Ultra, courses are still created using the Original course view with the Ultra course preview enabled. If your department hasn't opted into Ultra but you have, you will need to enable Ultra in your course.

 Converting Your Course to Ultra
  1. On the Courses page, select the Complete or Make Private icon on the course card.

    Make course private

  2. Select the Experience the new Learn icon in the top-right corner of the page. 

    Click pencil icon to activate Ultra Preview
  3. In the pop-up window, start the conversion to the Ultra Course View.

    Try the Ultra Experience prompt
  4. During the conversion process, you will not have access to the course until Blackboard is finished.

    You cannot access your course during the Ultra conversion.
  5. You will receive an email notification when your course is ready. 

    Email notification after course conversion
  6. From the Courses page, access your course again. You can ignore conversion exceptions from the course template.

    The Ultra Preview
  7. Select Use the Ultra course

    Again, you will receive an email when your course is converted.

    After you make the conversion permanent, you can remove existing content, copy content from another Ultra course, create new content, and open the course to students when you're ready. 

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