Can I print/save my Direct Instructor Feedback Forms (aka blue sheets)?

Can I print/save my Direct Instructor Feedback Forms (aka blue sheets)?


  • Yes you can print and save your Direct Instructor Feedback Forms (DIFFs). More information, including screenshots, will be provided as the evaluation launch dates gets closer.

Tell Me

For Blackoard Users

  1. Log into Blackboard.

  2. click on the TOOLS link from the left navigation menu of the Bb dashboard.

  3. Select Faculty Course Evaluation Reports.

  4. Click 'XXXXX'

  5. A new browser window will open which will direct you to your course's current response rate.

For Non-Blackboard Users

  1. You should have received an email from StudentCourseEvaluations@umbc.edu at the start of your course's evaluation period. Find this email.

  2. In the email there is a link to take you to see your XXXXXX.

  3. A new browser window will open which will direct you to your Direct.

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