How do I view/monitor response rates?

How do I view/monitor response rates?


Instructors receive an email on the first day the evaluation window opens containing a link to view response rates. They will need to use their myUMBC credentials to log in.  Instructors can also view them in Blackboard under the myBlackboard tab. Instructors can only see a ratio of students who have completed the evaluation and student's names will NOT appear on this web page. This information will be available through and after the survey window.

Tell Me

For Blackboard Users

  1. Log into Blackboard.

  2. Click on the TOOLS link from the left navigation menu of the Bb dashboard.

  3. Select Faculty Course Evaluation Reports.

  4. Click Response Rates.

  5. A new browser window will open which will direct you to your course's current response rate.

For Non-Blackboard Users

  1. You should have received an email from StudentCourseEvaluations@umbc.edu at the start of your course's evaluation period. Find this email.

  2. In the email there is a link to take you to see your course's response rate.

  3. A new browser window will open which will direct you to your course's current response rate.


Use this link: https://umbc.bluera.com/UMBC

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