How do I remove a former employee from the online directory?

Former employees should be automatically removed once Human Resources has completed the termination process. If an employee is still showing up, it is usually because of one of the reasons included below:

  • The employee is Emeritus. - Emeritus employees will continue to appear in the directory as long as the employee has a primary department selected.

  • The employee has a sponsored account. - You'll need to submit a request to have the affiliation removed.

  • The person is still listed as an employee in Peoplesoft. - You'll need to contact HR to ensure the termination paperwork has been processed.

If the employee has switched departments, but is still appearing in your directory. - Direct the employee to update their primary department. 

Looking for instructions to change your primary department?

Instructions are available in our FAQ, How do I update my contact information on the UMBC online directory?.