How do I use the myUMBC Content widget to show News or Events on my site in

Your myUMBC Group must have its Access setting set to Open or Closed in order for your content to be pulled into your site.

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Your site can show a formatted list of News or Events created by a myUMBC group.

  1. Once familiar with how to add a widget to your site, add the myUMBC Content widget to a Widget Area

  2. The "Group" dropdown includes myUMBC Groups your site has recently added. If the myUMBC Group you want to use is not in the list, select "Add New Group", type in the myUMBC Group Token, then click "Add"

  3. Once a myUMBC Group is selected, pick the Section you wish to include content from

    1. You can optionally specify tags, which filters the content shown to items containing at least one of the specified tags

  4. Select how many items you want displayed in the list

  5. Click the "Save"