How can I locate books in the library?

How can I locate books in the library?


Once you find a book in the catalog, you will use the location and call number to help you locate the book in the building. A location and call number will look something like this:

UMBC Library Stacks - PS3566.R697 Z86 2001

  • Most books are located in the Library Stacks. These are books are housed on floors 3-7. Refer to Call Number Locations to determine which floor to go to. The example above is located on the 4th floor.

  • Books with the Folio tag are oversized and are located in a special (labeled) section on each floor.

  • There are a few other book locations in the building, such as Reference and Special Collections. These locations are spread throughout the building. See Services by Floor to determine where to go to retrieve these books.

see also: Locations: Subjects by Floor

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