How do I add a comment on a Confluence wiki page?
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The location of the Add a comment link will depend on the Confluence theme deployed on the page.
A comment is a remark, question, or any other additional information you wish to add to a page pertaining to the topic the page covers. Comments are a means by which a community of users can collaborate with each other on the site. You can leave a comment on any page or news item in Confluence.
Comments have the same editing options and use the same editor as pages. When you attach a file to a comment, however, it attaches the file to the page, not the comment.
Go to the Confluence wiki page you want to comment.
Click the Add a comment link on the bottom of the page
ORClick Add on the top, right-hand corner of the screen and select Comment.
Type in your text/comment.
Click the Post button to save your comment on that page.