Faculty Annual Report (FAR)

Faculty Annual Report (FAR) is accessible through the Personal Profile section of the Faculty Center in myUMBC.  Once in, go to "Personal Links" menu to access the Faculty Annual Report using Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) link.

Faculty are encouraged to comprehensively catalog their work throughout the year.  

The Faculty Annual Report (FAR) informs multiple processes, including merit review processes (where applicable), an annual and comprehensive review of tenured faculty. Some of the data you enter are also aggregated to satisfy reporting to the University System of Maryland (USM). Faculty Expert Search Tool also draws on  information from Faculty Success, making it very easy to update while you are adding info for your Faculty Annual Report. 

For help working with Faculty Success, including our new quick guide, please visit Faculty Success FAQ's.

Faculty  have the option to save a copy using PDF and sign by using "Fill & sign" or print then sign before sending a copy to their chair.  You should keep a copy for your records and future use; only you and your department have a copy.

We encourage you to regularly update your information in Faculty Success throughout the year!

CY 2023 Faculty Activity Report Due Dates 

  • May 17, 2024 – Due date. Faculty members submit signed copy to their Chair. Chairs sign and submit their signed copy to their appropriate Dean. 

  • June 7, 2024 –  IRADS will provide the department chairs feedback. Any corrections to individual FARs must be completed via Faculty Success.

  • June 21, 2024 – Last day for faculty to resubmit a revised signed copy to their chair

  • June 28, 2024– Chair signs and submits all department copies to appropriate Dean

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