How do I print my FAR using Faculty Success?

The process for completing your FAR via Faculty Success remains the same as with the previous Digital Measures.  After completing the required sections in Faculty Success, we are asking that you print the FAR within Faculty Success, sign it and turn it in for review.  Faculty now have the option to save a copy using PDF and sign by using "Fill & Sign and turn it in for review. 

Tell Me

  1. From the Faculty Success Home Page, click Reports.

  2. Select Annual Faculty Activity Report from the drop down menu.

  3. Confirm the date range as January 1 - December 31 of the FAR year.

  4. Click Run Run Report.

  5. The report will run and prompt you to Open or Save the report in the file format selected.  Open the report.

  6. Print the report, sign it and turn it in for review.

Click here to view the Quick Reference Guide