Reference Guide - Add a New Class Section

Reference Guide - Add a New Class Section


 At the beginning of each term, scheduling coordinators will create a new class section for each class that will be offered by their department that wasn't included in the class roll.  (The class roll is when the registrar's office rolls the prior like term's schedule to the next term.)

Click here to view the Scheduling Coordinator's Training Documentation (will take you to GoogleDocs).


  1. Log into PeopleSoft

  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes.

  3. Enter the Term, Subject Area, Catalog Nbr in the search fields and click Search.

  4. Basic Data Tab - many of the fields will auto populate based on selections that are made.  DO NOT EDIT THE START/END DATES OR THE CLASS ATTRIBUTES!

    1. To add a new section, click the plus "+" sign to add a new section.

    2. Enter the Class Section number - this must be a two digit number starting with '01'.

    3. Enter the Component - Lecture, Lab, Discussion.

    4. Enter the Class Type - Enrollment vs. Non-Enrollment

    5. Enter the Campus.  The Location field will auto populate.

    6. Confirm the Academic Organization.

    7. Confirm the Instruction Mode and edit if necessary.

    8. If the class section is a student-specific permission, select the checkbox.

    9. Ensure the Schedule Print is selected.

  5. Meetings Tab - this is where you will enter the meeting pattern for the class section

    1. Leave the Facility ID blank - it will be populated when the 25Live is run

      1. If the department has department maintained rooms that are not part of the 25Live, enter 59 (Dept Controlled) in Room Characteristics

    2. Enter the Meeting Pattern.

    3. Enter the Mtg Start and Mtg End time.


    5. Enter the Instructor (use the look up to select the ID for the instructor)

    6. Select the Instructor Role.

    7. Select the Access.  The default, and recommended option, is Approve.

    8. Optional - enter the Room Characteristic.

  6. Enrollment Cntrl Tab - this is where you are identifying the size of the class and wait list.

    1. Class Status must be Active to print in the schedule of classes and be open for registration.

    2. Add Consent - adding a consent will require all students to require an instructor permission to attend the class.  This is used when the student-specific checkbox is selected on the Basic Data Tab.

    3. Requested Room Capacity - what size room do you want to request for the class?  This number should no more than 20% higher than your enrollment capacity.  (The rooms are scheduled based on Requested Room Capacity.)

    4. Enter Enrollment Capacity - how many students can enroll in the class? 

    5. Wait List Capacity - how many students can enroll on the wait list? 

      1. Be sure to select Auto Enroll for Wait List if a number is entered in this field.

  7. Reserve Capacities Tab (optional)

    1. Select the Start Date

    2. Select the Requirement Group

    3. Add the number of seats that will be reserved for the Requirement Group.

  8. Notes Tab (optional)

    1. Select Note Number from a predefined list if appropriate.  The text field will populate.

    2. Enter Free Format Text to enter notes that are not in the predefined list or to add additional information related to the predefined note.

  9. Click Save


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