Find a room for a class section

Before You Begin...

If you require special room characteristics for a class section, you can use the Room Characteristics field to enter your request so the 25Live will take them into consideration when assigning rooms.  Please note that all UMBC Registrar rooms are Smart Rooms and assume that the instructor will bring their own PC.  The Smart Rooms include the following:

Minimum = Ceiling Mounted data projector


  • Push-button system control

  • Input and cable for Instructor Laptop

  • Wired and Wi-fi internet connectivity

  • Sound system for computer and video sources

  • Pull-down screen

The three room characteristic options in SA include:

  • Computer Lab - Submit RT ticket (This is a two step process - you must first enter the room characteristic & submit an RT ticket.)

  • Dept. Controlled -Scheduled by SC

  • Accessibility Need - Registrar will contact SC


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SA Tip

The 25Live is the room scheduling process that is run by the Registrar during the blackout scheduling period to assign rooms to all scheduled classes.

Still Need Help?

Contact the Registrar's Office at or 410-455-2500.


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