Edit the instructor for an Existing Section

Edit the instructor for an Existing Section

Before You Begin...

If there is a change to the existing instructor after the class has been rolled or created, you can open the class section and make changes to the instructor field.  This change can include adding another instructor to the class section or removing the current instructor from the class section and adding a new one.

The instructor field for a class section determines which instructor will have access to view the class roster and enter class grades. Only instructors with the Instructor Role of Primary Instructor will have access to enter grades for a student.


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SA Tip

Only faculty who have been granted instructor access in Student Administration will be listed in the instructor list.   If the instructor is not listed, the department must request approval for the person to be granted instructor access in Student Administration.  The approval is located on the Scheduling Coordinator Google Drive, which can be accessed by clicking this link.  (Only Scheduling Coordinators will have access to view the folder.)

Still Need Help?

 Contact the Registrar's Office at http://registrar.umbc.edu/ or 410-455-2500.





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