Meeting Minutes 3-6-2009

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Meeting Minutes 3-6-2009


  1. Review of goals/mission of committee

  2. Current Activities

  3. Logo Discussion

  4. Future projects

  5. Kiosk project review 

  6. Other concerns from members

1. Mission:  to raise awareness of Library services and resources

  • It was agreed that this should still be our mission.  Marketing has been taken out of the group title so that we can focus on promotion 

  • We want to think about impact; keep the big picture in mind

2. Current Activities

  • Attending events (e.g. faculty events) 

  • Established a relationship w/Faculty Development Center and Commuter Affairs

  • Newsletters (e.g. Friends of the Library & Gallery)

  • Videos (Joe has been creating videos that highlight the Library and its services)

3. Logo

  • Several ideas were shared

  1. Ask Jim Lord from Creative Services to design logo.  (Problem:  The queue is very long, would take too much time)

  2. Consult with graphic design faculty to hold a student design contest.  (Library would need to provide prize money, ~$200)

  3. Ask Peggy Re or other design instructors if they could come up with something (It was decided that Simmona would approach Peggy Re, asking for her suggestions about how we could get a logo designed for us)

  •  Guidelines for the designer

  1. We must come up with a creative brief to give the designer, letting her/him know what we want out of the design -- including technical specifications (high resolution TIFF with transparent background)

  2. We would also need a statement that the Library reserves the right to make minor changes to the design

  3. The brief should include the Library mission; describe the look we are going for (forward-thinking, innovative, organic, moving ahead; information); the color scheme (the green/blue of the Library tower); if the building will be a part of the focus, it should look unique and iconic

  4. Our desired due date is 5/1/2009

4. Future Projects

  • Work with Commonvision to have Library factoids and questions/info announced on Commonvision

  1. Gergana would like to head this project

  2. We should put procedures on how to send info to Commonvision on the wiki, so that others will know how to submit info themselves

  3. There is an online form and you note when you want the information to run

  4. We can submit special events too

  5. These messages can run on the digital signs in the UC as well

  • We should remind our group members to use the wiki more often

  • Create a report for LEC that describes what our group has done and any recommendations that we have (e.g. more of a budget, etc.)

5. Kiosk Project Review

  • Waiting to hear when campus moves ahead with the campus-wide digital signage system.  We will go with their system when it is implemented.

  • In the meantime, the Digital Signage group will move forward with the in-house info kiosks (computer screens) at service desks.  Their next meeting will include discussion of short-term, mid-term, and long-term plans; content (specific to each service desk, and Library-wide); and whether to put an in-house screen in the atrium and replace it when we get the campus system.

6. Other concerns

  • The light in the rotunda where the McNaughton collection is located is too dim.  We need new lights.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian