Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Agenda for June 10, 2010

  1. Review and discuss:

    1. Guideline 551 changes

    2. Salvage Team duties

    3. Review timetable suggestions

  2. Look at current drafts of floorplans

  3. Brainstorm sections to include as first version recommendations

    1. LaTanya's suggestions

    2. Disaster supply cabinet

    3. Distribution of content

    4. Training recommendations (brown bag, Library Assembly, by department?)

    5. Meeting with salvage companies (Munters, etc)

Tasks to accomplish:

  1. Meet with LEC to discuss Guideline 551 (Lindsey and LaTanya, June 22)

  2. Complete sections and add to Draft .doc (or submit to Lindsey and she will add)

    1. Tom and Susan: add location of formats in Special Collections to floorplans

    2. Kelly, in consultation with Robin and Joyce: add location of formats in Serials, Media, Reference and General Stacks to floorplans

    3. Steve: add location of computers and other electronic equipment to floorplans, submit to LaTanya preferred campus contacts for damage/risk of loss of equipment

    4. Gail: add location of fire exits and fire extinguishers to floorplans

    5. LaTanya and Gail: Pocket plan, telephone listing, campus emergency resources (or defer to second version)

    6. Lindsey: Write sections on distribution and timetable, compile list of recommendations for second version

Our next meeting is July 1, 10am-12pm 353G - please try to submit the above sections by this date!

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian