Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Salvage Team

Charge: To prepare, train, and conduct recovery efforts within the Library

Mission: The Salvage Team will coordinate training of recovery procedures as outlined in the Library’s Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Plan. Training will be made available to team members as well as any interested Library staff. Under direction of the Disaster Action Team, the Salvage Team will work during emergency events to recover and protect Library materials. An outline of suggested members is listed below. The Salvage Team is also responsible for the annual review of the Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Plan [pdf].

Salvage Team members FY13-15

Salvage Team training sessions and materials


The Salvage Team is formed by Library volunteers as part of on-going Library service. It should not be ad hoc for each emergency. The Salvage Team Manager is appointed by the Library Executive Committee.

Suggested members:

Manager (in consultation with the Disaster Action Team)

  • assembles salvage recovery team

  • arranges for purchase of supplies

  • plans recovery training for Library volunteers

  • works with Disaster Action Team to carry out salvage procedures


  • works with Manager and Disaster Action Team to make record of the salvage effort

Coordinators (for each area)

  • inventories material removed

  • labels boxes for identification

  • directs packers

Packers (for each area)

  • pack salvaged material in boxes or crates for removal from area

  • assists Manager and Coordinators, with the Disaster Action Team, in carrying out recovery procedures as needed

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian