CDs - Copy-cataloger Workflow and Guidelines

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

CDs - Copy-cataloger Workflow and Guidelines


Students are instructed to bounce out

  • FAC/STAFF or Special Collections items (refer to https://umbc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/library/Special+Collections+Copy+Cataloging for cataloging instructions)

  • If there are spelling or transcription errors, or if you think that something is recorded wrong

  • If it's missing the 007

  • If it's an enhanced CD and it's missing the 006

  • If it's missing the 028 and there is a publisher number somewhere on the item

  • If there is no 245 $h [sound recording] (only in non-RDA records)

  • If there are titles on the item that do not appear in the 245 or 246

  • If any part of the 260 is missing ($a, $b or $c)

  • If any part of the 300 is missing ($a,$b,$c, or $e ONLY if there is a large booklet accompanying the CD)

  • If there is no 500 Compact disc note

  • If there is no 511

  • If there is no 505 and all the titles aren't in the 245.

  • If there is no 650

  • If there are no 700 or 710 fields for composer/works or performers/soloists/conductors listed in the record not listed in the 100/110/240; BUT individual members of bands or musical groups do not need separate headings. If this is the ONLY problem with the record, give the item and the bounce form to the e-resources/media cataloger.

Students should fill out a bounce form for each CD they give to a copy-cataloger.

Replace record in OCLC

Field by field guidelines:


Add if missing.

In OCLC-MARC format, the 007 has subfields and can be edited directly:

007 s ‡b d ‡d f ‡e s ‡f n ‡g g ‡h n ‡i n ‡k m ‡m e ‡n e

The values listed in the following chart are correct for all compact discs. Do not bother adding or correcting subfields other than those listed here. You can also create a text string for standard CD values.


MARC21 label

OCLC subfield

Values for Compact Discs


MARC21 label

OCLC subfield

Values for Compact Discs

Category of material



s (sound recording)

Material designation



d (sound disc)




f (1.4 m. per sec.)

Groove width



n (not applicable)




g (4-3/4 in.)

Tape width



n (not applicable)

Tape configuration



n (not applicable)

Special playback characteristics



e (digital recording)


Add if missing if the item is an enhanced CD.

Either use Edit → Guided Entry → Insert 006 → Computer Files

Type: m
File: u

or paste in

m u

add accession number, holdings and items.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian