Gift Book Guidelines

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Gift Book Guidelines

THIS IS COPY of older guideline–useful for the list of materials which can go directly to the book sale.  If any of the materials described in that list show up on the shelves of Gift Books to be cataloged, they should not be cataloged.  Bring them to the attention of the Collection Management Staff.    30 April 2014  Vicki Sipe


Pre-Processing of Gift Books by Collection Management Staff 

When gifts come in, are acknowledged and are placed on the shelving in room 154 the staff needs to pre-process the materials so that only items that are likely to be added to the library’s collection will be searched.  Serials need to be sorted separately and given to the Serials Department for evaluation and processing.

Some books should go directly to the booksale, or the trash in some cases.


Directly to booksale (or trash) without being catalog searched

  • Books obviously falling apart or in poor condition – pages are falling out, no cover, etc. (Technical Services does not mend gift books)

  • Damaged books (water, mold, mildew) these may also be thrown away depending on amount of damage

  • Books with accompanying magnetic media (floppies, etc.)

  • Books that don’t support the general philosophy of the collection (i.e. most children’s books, repair manuals, etc)

  • Computer oriented books that are older than 5 years old

  • Some romance novels (we will select)

  • Some non-academic self-improvement books (we will select)


  • A questions shelf can be designated for review of borderline books by Collection Management Librarian. 

  • Paperback popular fiction should be reviewed before going for searching.  Some may be classics or award winners. 

  • Books in foreign languages may be set aside for review.  (These books may sit in limbo for years before they are cataloged.)       Discussions with departmental liaisons are helpful in deciding urgency.

To Technical Services


  • Books that will go on to be searched should be reviewed for cleanliness, and should be vacuumed or dusted before going to Technical Services.

  • Books should be placed on trucks for Technical Services processing.


I:\AllShare\CMILL\Collection Management\Gifts\Procedures and guidelines\ Pre-processing of gift books by CM Staff


10/6/05  RBM & VS   10/7/05RBM    4/13/07 VS


Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian