Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Minutes 1/15/13

Attendees: Joanna Gadsby, Susan Graham, Emily Hauver, Jodi Hoover, Lindsey Loeper

Available Library exhibit spaces:

  1. Gallery

    1. Contact: Emily and Tom

    2. Shows 2 x per semester

  2. Reference book display

    1. Contact: Joanna

    2. One shelf outside the Reference offices, one display per month

  3. Media display cases

    1. Contact: Jodi

    2. One display case rotates every month, the second every semester

  4. Special Collections Reading Room

    1. Contact: Susan

    2. Seven cases rotate on an as needed basis

  5. Reference cultural display

    1. Contact: Gergana

    2. 1 case rotates each semester

  6. Rotunda

    1. Contact: Tom

    2. Five cases rotate on an as needed basis (several times per semester)



Gallery shows brainstorming:

  • "Persian Visions"

    • Opens January 28 through the end of March

    • Exhibit event will be held Tuesday Feb 19

    • Proposed month for supplementary exhibits: February

    • Special Collections will showcase items from the book and photography collections with Iranian creators or with Iran as the main topic

    • Media and Reference will showcase works by Iranian authors/film makers or on the topic of Iran

    • Emily will provide mailers for the displays and will send Reference a poster to display

    • Mark Durant has an undergraduate student that may be interested and willing in providing summaries or reviews of Iranian films (Media)

  • Baltimore Sun photographs

    • Topics could include: photojournalism; the Sun; newspapers in general; Baltimore Sun "alumni" works (David Simon, KAL); maybe alumni of UMBC that have connections to the Sun

    • Exhibit will be sponsored in part by the Sun in celebration of their 175th anniversary

Other possible exhibit topics:

  • Solidarity posters

    • From the Polish revolution

    • Artwork, history, and design elements for examination

    • Collection is being processed by a graduate student and Gergana has assisted with interpretation (language, cultural)

  • Preservation Week

  • Faculty authors event

    • May?

    • Supplemental exhibit topics could be campus authors, film makers, book makers, artists, photographers

  • Ted Serios film digitization

    • Show the journey of the Serios films as they travel to Austria for digitization

    • Screen the films

    • Maybe tie in to posting of Eisenbud coll in Digital Collections? Also Omeka exhibit.

  • Contact campus departments for partnerships - like Women's Center or Geography partnerships from 2012

  • Contact profs teaching exhibits/museum studies focused classes: Richard Mason (ANCS), Preminda Jacob (ART)

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian