Add a user to a group

  1. Log into Grouper at


  2. Navigate to the group you wish to add users to.

  3. Click the orange “+Add members” button on the upper right side.

  4. In the member name or ID text box type in the users name, username or campus ID. Campus ID is the quickest way to find a user but name will work also. In the example below I user the username, demouser. Click the name desired name from the selection box that appears. A users membership can be restrict by a data range on the add user page. Provide a start and end date and the user will only have access between those dates.

    You can also add users using existing groups that the user has access to. Here is an example where we add all users from CMSC Fall 2024.

  5. Click the orange add button to add the user to the group. The user has now been added to the group.