Biology Petition For Waiver Substitution

Biology Petition For Waiver Substitution

Department of Biological Sciences Petition for Waiver/Substitution of Program Requirements

This form exists to give biology majors a means to petition to waive or substitute program requirements. 

  • First, the form is by the student, followed by their advisor, then the undergraduate program director for their specific major/minor. The form is then sent to the Biology Department’s Undergraduate Program Coordinator for processing. 

  • The student will begin the web form by entering their advisor, advisor’s email, and selecting their program (major/minor). By selecting their major/minor, students are automatically selecting their Program Director. 

  • The student will then need to fill out the form, entering in their petition request and the reason they are seeking the substitution or waiver of program requirements. Additional supporting documentation can be attached here. 

  • The advisor will then sign in support of the petition.

  • The Undergraduate Program Director will review the form and designate if the request is approved, approved with conditions (noting the conditions), or denied (including a reason why).

  • The form is then sent to the Undergraduate Program Coordinator, who will process the form. If approved, student will be emailed by the Undergraduate Program Coordinator or Cc’ed on an RT Ticket to the Registrar’s Office for Degree Audit updates. If denied, student will receive an email from the Undergraduate Coordinator with a reason why the petition was denied.