How do I view my Course Evaluation Reports?

How do I view my Course Evaluation Reports?


You can view your reports through 1 of 3 ways:

It will include your Direct Instructor Feedback Forms (DIFFs) and your Student Course Evaluation Reports.

DIFFs are only available in BLUE and are removed by the end of the next Fall or Spring semester’s evaluation period.


  • Spring, prior Fall and Winter semester DIFFs will be removed.

  • Fall, prior Spring and Summer semester DIFFs will be removed

Show Me

This is the location of the Course Evaluation Reports link in Blackboard

This is where you should look to view your Course Evaluation Reports in Blue.

Select the Report from the Report List

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For Blackboard Users

  1. Log into Blackboard.

  2. Click on the TOOLS link from the left navigation menu of the Bb dashboard

  3. Select Faculty Course Evaluation Reports.

  4. Click 'Course Evaluation Reports' and a new window will open.

  5. Click 'Dashboard' on the left hand side menu.

  6. Scroll down until you see 'View Reports' link on the bottom right hand side of the page.

  7. Click 'View Reports' and a new page will open.

  8. Select the report title you wish to view.

Email or Direct Access Instructions

  1. You should have received an email from StudentCourseEvaluations@umbc.edu about Student Course Evaluation Instructor Reports. Find this email or click this link (http://umbc.bluera.com/UMBC/).

  2. Click 'Dashboard' on the left hand side menu.

  3. Scroll down until you see 'View Reports' link on the bottom right hand side of the page.

  4. Click 'View Reports' and a new page will open.

  5. Select the report title you wish to view.

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