How do I access the online student course evaluation survey?

How do I access the online student course evaluation survey?


  • You can access the survey three different ways–via Blackboard, the my.umbc.edu portal, or the e-mail notification you receive from StudentCourseEvaluations@umbc.edu.

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For Blackboard Users

  1. Log into your Blackboard account (https://blackboard.umbc.edu)

  2. Click on the TOOLS link from the left navigation menu of the Bb dashboard

  3. Select  “Online Student Course Evaluations.”

For Non-Blackboard Users

  1. You will receive an email from StudentCourseEvaluations@umbc.edu where a link is provided.  The link will begin with http://umbc.bluera.com/UMBC

  2. Click the link to access your course evaluations.



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