Testing at Student Disability Services

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Students with an accommodation of extended time is based on the diagnosis and the supporting documentation.

  • Students with extended time are provided with additional processing time to complete Quizzes and Exams.

  • This does not include in-class and out of class assignments.

How do we provide this accommodation ?

  • Students have the option to use their accommodation or not.

    • If a student chooses not to use their accommodation that is their right, the same as it is their right to represent themselves in court.

    • If a student chooses to use their accommodation they must take the exam the same Date and Time as the rest of the class.

      • The Professor of the course is the only person that can authorize us to change the exam Date or Time.

      • This may be required if your course meets in the evening when the SDS office is closed.

      • Professors can and are encouraged to provide this accommodation directly.

        • For example having all of the students with extended times come earlier to start the exam or allow them to remain longer.

  • When a Student chooses to use the Testing Center at SDS:

    • Student must book their testing request in Accommodate (our online management software) 2 Business Days in advance.

    • Once this booking request is received it is reviewed. If approved a confirmation email is sent to the student and the Faculty member.

    • In the confirmation email there are directions to the RT system to provide use with the exam and any instructions.

    • It is important to list any and all requirements of the Proctor.

      • For example can the student use a calculator? if so what kind Scientific or Graphing?

    • Unfortunately we are not able to send back completed exams via RT or email at this time.

What is the Testing centers procedure and security

  • Students are not permitted to bring in any electronic device that sends or receives a WiFi or GMS transmissions.

  • All students belongings are put in a locker for their security.

  • Students are carefully monitored by our proctors.

  • We carefully mark their start and end times.