Adding your repository description to registry

Adding your repository description to registry

1. Select the main Repositories page from the left navigation bar.

2. Select the link at the top of the repository listing "SAMPLE TEMPLATE HERE" (or open it here)

3. You will need to make a copy of this page that you can edit with your repository's unique information.

  • Select "Page Operations" on the left navigation bar to expand the menu, then select "Info"

  • In the top left information box, select "Copy"


  • This will open a page titled Copy of SAMPLE TEMPLATE HERE. Enter the name of your repository in the title field and then save the page. In the wiki hierarchy, your new repository page will be a child page of the Repositories page (because that's where the template was placed).

4. Return to the Repositories page. Now you will need to add the link to your repository's page and update the name listed if neccessary.

  • Under Page Operations select Edit.

  • Edit or add your repository name. Please note that if your repository has more than one unit or department, you can have a page for each with specific information (see Montgomery County for an example).

  • After you have edited your repository name, highlight the name and then select the link button from the toolbar along the top of your editing window.

  • Your repository name should appear in the Alias field.  To locate the addess for your repository's page, select the History tab - your newly created page should be listed there.  Click once on your page and it should appear in the Link field.  Select OK.  Save the Repositories page.  Now your institution's unique page should be linked on the Repositories listing.

5. To edit your repository's page, view the page then select Edit under the Page Operations menu on the left navigation bar. We recommend that you use the Rich Text view, although Wiki Markup allows a greater level of control if you feel comfortable using that editing format. Fill out all of the listed fields. For the Special Services and Types of Materials lists, simply delete those that do not apply to your repository. You do not need to complete the form in one sitting, but please remember to save the page!