April 25, 2011 Minutes

April 25, 2011 Minutes

Maryland History and Culture Collaborative

The Maryland State Archives - Annapolis
Minutes, April 25, 2011

Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Howe (Washington County Free Library, Western Maryland Room).

Attendees were greeted and welcomed by Dr. Rob Schoeberlein.  Rob introduced Dr. Edward Papenfuse, State Archivist, who welcomed and gave some opening remarks to the group.

Books – Ms. Vicki Lee, Director of Conservation Lab, Maryland State Archives
Paper/Photographs – Ms. Jennifer Cruickshank, Deputy Director of the Conservation Lab, Maryland State Archives
Objects – Mr. Howard Wellman, Wellman Conservation, LLC
Disaster Preparedness Overview – Ms. Sarah Patterson, IPER/REPR Trainer,Maryland State Archives (optional workshop after the business meeting)

MHCC Business Meeting


Iris Bierlein/Maryland Historical Society
Eben Dennis/Maryland Historical Society & Baltimore City Archives
Amy Schlagel Federman / Archeologist
Mary Herbert/Sisters of Bon Secours USA
Martha Ruff/PGCMLS
Carol L. Moody/Historic St. Mary’s City/St. Mary’s County Historical Society
Rachel Kassman/Jewish Museum of Maryland
Robert Hurry/Calvert Marine Museum
John Gartrell/Afro-American Newspapers
David Ranzan/Salisbury University
Rob Shindle/University of Baltimore
Tony Roberts/Baltimore City Archives
Amy James/Baltimore City Archives
Robin Emrich/Columbia Archives, Columbia, Maryland
Jason Speck/University of Maryland Archives
Melissa Straw/Goucher College Library
Ann Hudak/University of Maryland, College Park
Elizabeth Howe/Washington County Free Library/Western Maryland Room
Kat Ryner/St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Lindsey Loeper/UMBC
Doug McElrath/University of Maryland, College Park
Howard Wellman/Independent Conservator
Katherine Baer/Maryland State Law Library
Michael Scott/Enoch Pratt Free Library
Kelly Spring/Johns Hopkins University
Barbara O'Brien/McDaniel College
Jefferson M. Moak/National Archives at Philadelphia
Bill Cady/Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center
Tricia Pyne/Associated Archives at St. Mary’s Seminary & University
Jennie Levine Knies/University of Maryland, College Park
Pat Anderson/Maryland Historical Society
Tom Beck/UMBC
Alison Foley/Associated Archives at St. Mary’s Seminary & University
Jill Craig/Western Maryland Regional Library/www.WHILBR.org
Jenny Ferretti/Maryland Historical Society
Anne Turkos/Universtiy of Maryland, College Park
Adam Youssi/Baltimore County Historical Society
Robert Schoeberlein, State Archives
Lynn Waller/ Sylvia Gaither Garrison Library at the Banneker-Douglass Museum

Advocacy & Outreach

Civil War Sesquicentennial Digitization Project:  Jennie Knies (UMD) gave us an update on MHCC’s project which is patterned after the Civil War 150 Legacy Project being conducted by the State Library of Virginia.  Michael Scott (Enoch Pratt) will host the site for the project.  Planned scanning events are July 16 at Enoch Pratt, August in Cumberland (now scheduled as August 6 & 8), October 13 (now changed to October 12) at the University of Maryland, and January 19, 2012 at McDaniel College.

Doug McElrath (UMD) emphasized the importance of publicizing the scanning events to local groups to make the project successful.  Jennie answered a question regarding who would be able to host an event by explaining that there really isn’t equipment to take around, but situations will be considered individually.   The time period of materials sought is 1857- late 1860’s.

WIKI Update:  Lindsey Loeper (UMBC) noted that Rob Shindle (University of Baltimore) included the WIKI survey results in the newsletter.  The results indicate that the WIKI platform may not be the most appropriate platform for representing our group on-line.  We would like something where we can share information and a place for repository listings, but there isn’t much interest in adding content because we are all busy!  Do we want an on-line site that is directed only at our group, or would we like to also use it for outreach? 

One proposal is to advertise for an MHCC intern who would research possibilities and make recommendations.  Jennie remarked that this is a great idea, because she feels an intern will have energy, and we do need a Web presence to point people to -- a place to post our history, minutes, and advertise.  We would ask an intern to make a presentation to the group with options of what we might do.   Robin Emrich (Columbia Archives) wondered if we need a supervisor for the intern and asked if it might be the WIKI Subgroup.   Jennie replied that we should have a contact at the intern’s school, and she felt it would work to assign the intern to an MHCC group or committee.  Lindsey asked if we need an MHCC Webmaster, and Jennie said considerations would include cost and what the rules would be if it is tied to an institution.   We are hoping to have a report from an intern in the Fall.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let Lindsey know. 


Rob announced that there will be a summer newsletter. 

Our next MHCC meeting will be at Salisbury University, Nabb Research Center, on Friday, October 14, 2011. Future meetings are: Towson in January, 2012, and Johns Hopkins in the Spring.

*Meeting Adjourned