General Confluence Help

General Confluence Help

*Note: You can only perform tasks in Confluence if you have been given the appropriate permission

Unknown macro: {link-window}

Confluence User Guide

Unknown macro: {link-window}

Confluence Notation Guide

(for Wiki Markup editor):

  • Terminology:
    • Parent Page - This is the main page. This page will have other pages created underneath it.
    • Children - These are pages created underneath the parent page and associated with it.
  • Page Names:
    • Confluence does not accept the following characters in the title of a page: : @ / \ | ^ # ; [ ] { } < >
    • A page must not start with the following characters: $ .. ~
    • Page names must be unique within a space.

Create a page:

  • Using Add Page Function:
    • In the left navigation menu select 'Add Content', then 'Add Page'
    • The page will automatically be added as a child of the current page.
  • Using Undefined Link:
    • in Wiki Markup editor:
      • Add a link to the page you wish the new link to be a child of by typing the name you wish the new page to have inside square brackets (i.e. [Page Name]).
      • Save the current page. The new link will appear with a pink background behind it.
    • Clicking on the link will bring you to the editor for the new page.

Edit a page

  • From the page you wish to edit, select 'Page Operations' from the left navigation menu
  • Under that menu, select edit.
  • In the editor, select the different tabs to switch been 'Rich Text' editing, 'Wiki Markup'.
  • To see what your page looks like before saving it, use the 'Preview' tab.
  • Once you are finished editing the page, click 'Save' in the upper right corner.

Select a different parent page

  • Make sure you are in edit mode for the page you wish to move.
  • At the top of the page, under the page title, there is line of text that shows the current location of the page. At the end of this line is a link that says 'EDIT' with a yellow background. Click this.
  • To change the parent page, click the magnifying glass and select the new parent page. Alternatively, if you know the name of the page, type it in the box.
  • To change the 'space' that the page is in, edit the first box. If you wish to move any 'children' associated with the page, make sure the box below is checked.

Attach a file (document, image, PDF, etc.)

  • Navigate to the page you want the attachment to be associated with. If the attachment is something that will be used throughout the space, consider attaching it to the main page.
  • From the left navigation menu select 'Page Operation', then 'Attachments'.
  • Browse the computer to find the file you wish to attach.
  • In the comments section, enter in some information that describes the page. This can something as simple as the title of the document or a few words about an image.
  • Click the 'Attach File(s)' button.

Linking to an attached document

  • For the page you wish to link the document from, go to 'Wiki Markup' in edit mode.
  • Navigate to where you want to place the link.
  • Type [NAME OF LINK|NAME OF PAGE DOCUMENT ATTACHED TO^NAME OF DOCUMENT] (Be sure to include the extension, i.e. .doc.)
  • You only need to include the name of the page the document is attached to if it is different from the current page, but still use the ^)

Insert an image

  • Attach the image as described above. Take note of the name of the page the image is attached to.
  • In edit mode, select 'Wiki Markup' and navigate to where you wish to place the image. Type !NAME OF PAGE IMAGE ATTACHED TO^NAME OF IMAGE! Be sure to include the correct extension (.jpg, .gif, .png, etc)

Copying and pasting from Microsoft Word

  • To add the Word2Confluence converter, follow this link: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Word+to+Confluence+Converter
  • If you are not permitted to install the converter, please contact LITS.
  • If you have a word document you want to move to confluence, open the document and select the 'Word-to-Confluence' button on the toolbar.
  • In edit mode for the page, go to 'Wiki Markup'
  • Paste the content you copied from Word directly in the area provided.
  • This does not always work perfectly, so you may have to go through and fix various formatting.

Restricting a Page

  • If you only want certain people to be able to view a page.
  • For the page you wish to restrict, in edit mode go to the bottom of the page and there will be a 'Restrictions' option. Click the EDIT button next to it.
  • Here you can decide who you want to be able to view your page
    • Choose Me - only you can view the page
    • Choose Users - select individual users who can view the page
    • Choose Group - select a group that can view the page
  • Clicking 'Choose Users' or 'Choose Group' will open a pop-up window that allows you to search.
  • Once you have selected who can view the page, they will appear in the area below.
  • To remove a restriction, click the 'Remove' button to the right of it.
  • Once you are done, save the page.

Some Common Macros

Macros can only be used in the Wiki Markup editor

  • Creating a menu
    • This will make a small arrow appear next to the title. When clicked, links and text associated with the title will appear.
    • Begin the page with:
      cloak.toggle.exclusive = false
    • For each heading do the following:
      {toggle-cloak:id=ID NAME} TITLE HERE
      {cloak-id=ID NAME}
    • For each additional cloaked section, be sure to give a unique ID NAME. Also, make sure the toggle-cloak:id and cloak-id ID NAME's match
  • Restricting text within a page: {show-to}
    • This is used to make a certain part of a page visible only to certain people
    • As with the page restrictions, you can choose a single person(s) or group(s)
    • For a single user, type {show-to:user=USERNAME}. For multiple users, separate with a comma. The USERNAME is the individuals UMBC username.
    • For a group, type {show-to:group=GROUPNAME}. To add more groups, use {show-to:another-group=GROUPNAME}
    • To combine all of these together you would type:
    • At the end of the text you want restricted, type {show-to}
  • Displaying code: {code}
    • If you need to display code (HTML, Java, etc.), this will display it within a box.
    • The default code for this tag is Java, if you are displaying a different type of code, you will need to type {code:TYPE}, where type can equal: html, sql, xml, actionscript, or javascript.
    • At the end of the code, type {code}
  • Open links in new window: {link-window}
    • This will open the link in a new window
    • Ex {link-window:Guideline 107 - Library Policy Committee}Guideline 107{link-window}
    • Ex {link-window:http://www.umbc.edu\}UMBC Homepage{link-window}
  • Anchor tags
    • When creating a link to an anchored element, type [LINK TEXT|#ANCHORNAME]
    • To make an anchor tag, type {anchor:ANCHORNAME} where you want the link to jump to within the page.
    • Ex: At the top of the page my link is [Middle of Page|#middle]
      In the code I find where I want to jump to when I click on that link and type {anchor:middle}

This page was created by Janet Hack, Web Librarian at UMBC and is duplicated here with her permission.