Using RSS feeds for the MHCC News (blog)

Using RSS feeds for the MHCC News (blog)

In addition to the options listed below (from a January 2009 News entry), I've also found another way that seems to work pretty easily:

Expand the Browse Space tab on the left hand navigation; select News. This will open a page listing all the News entries.  Use this page to set up your RSS feed as you would for other webpages.  It should work!  The other methods listed below are a little confusing, so I recommend trying this one first!

Tips for setting up an RSS feed.

At the January MHCC meeting it was agreed that we should move the MHCC blog to the wiki platform so that all of our content would be in once location.  One concern was the ability to establish an RSS feed for the wiki blog.  There are a few ways that you can update your RSS reader:

1.  The one that has worked the best for me is to work through your RSS reader, not through the methods set-up by Confluence.  Open your reader and there should be an option for you to add a feed or subscription directly.  Cut and paste the link to the main wiki blog page (called News): https://spaces.umbc.edu/pages/viewrecentblogposts.action?key=mhcc
Your reader will locate the feed for that page and establish a connection.

Confluence has also established a few ways to set up the feed directly through Confluence. I had limited success with these methods.

2.In the toolbar at the top of the webpage (next to the link to log in) you will see the standard RSS button. If you click on this Confluence will give you the option to select the reader of your choice. It will confirm that it has established the feed (or you'll get an error message, which is what happened to me).

3. The wiki also has a dedicated RSS feeds page. Expand the Browse Space menu on the left, then select Advanced. One of the links on this page is RSS Feeds, and from that page you can select a number of RSS enabled pages (News, Comments, etc). I couldn't really get this to work... But it should in theory!

4.  You may also want to view Confluence's Help pages on RSS feeds. 

The RSS feature on the wiki is new to me, so please let me know if you're having any problems, suggestions, or tips!