Adding and editing a page

Adding and editing a page

Adding a new page:

Pages in Confluence are arranged hierarchically, so the first decision you will need to make is where you want your page to be located. If you want your page to be a part of History Day then you will open that page and select Add Page under the Add Content menu on the left navigation bar or select "Add a Child Page" at the bottom of the page (this second option is only available if the parent page already has other child pages).

Example of the MHCC wiki hierarchy:


Open the page that you want to edit and select Edit from the Page Operations menu on the left navigation bar.  The editor allows rich text or wiki markup; new users are encouraged to use the rich text option which is very similar to common word processing programs.  In fact, you can copy-and-paste from a Word document and Confluence will retain the formatting.  Options available on the editing toolbar include: bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, and colored text; programmed headings and block quote; table creator; bullets and numbered lists; alignment of text; and the ability to insert links, images, lines, emoticons, and special characters.