Standing Order Serial Titles Catalog Together

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Standing Order Serial Titles Catalog Together

A)      Search book ISSN or serial title in Aleph Catalog system


  • More than one matching serial record are found – check publication years in the 008 field and the 260 field.

  • Sometimes the titles are different with the records’ title (245/246 field) but it could be found in the notes (500 field) which state the other title information).

  • If the record holding location is SSTCK – Write a note and send to Serials.

Following the serial standing order summary holding instructions (in 866 $x).  If catalog separately, place the book back to the standing order truck.

(If no standing order instruction exists in the summary holding, consult the DBM Librarian).


B)     Add Volumes


  1. Create a new item to this record, edit the item for the new volume.

  2. Add new volume number/year to the summary holding, insert add/volume slip into the book.

  3. Summary holdings states to withdraw older editions:

    1. Take a Current Ed. In Ref slip. Write the new volume number/year in the to Ref

Stacks line; write the need to be weeded volume number/year in the from Ref  stacks to Tech Services (withdraw) line. Insert the Current Ed. In Ref slip and an Add Volume slip into the book.

  1. Update summary holding for withdrawal.

  2. Shelve the new volumes and retrieve the need to be weeded volumes.

  3. Delete withdrawn items (scan the barcode) from the catalog system after retrieving the books, and then place the books on the Weeds truck. If you cannot find the book, write “the book is not on shelf” in the item Internal Note, and suppress the item

C)    Summary Holding states Current edition in Ready Reference:

Keep previous editions in ref/stacks:

1)      Create an item for the current edition.

2)      Change this item Collection Code to RFRDY, and check the “Temporary Location” box to save the collection code. Does not need to create a ready reference holding.

3)      Uncheck the Temporary Location box for the previous volume/edition to make it out of ready reference.

4)      Edit summary holding.

5)      Pull earlier edition from Reference desk’s shelf and peel off the orange dot from the book spine, transfer it to location instructed in 866 field in holding.

6)      If it needs to be relabeled, insert a relabel slip and place the book on the relabel truck.

7)      Follow instruction in holdings to withdraw older editions – retrieve books; edit summary holdings; delete items.

8)      To change RDY REF item to REF item when there are two copies of the same book remove the temporary location and update the call number, item will then show as REF.

D)    Collection Codes are RESTR  (Restricted Use Material, shelved in stacks)

  1. Stick a “Library Use Only” label on the book spine (leave space at the bottom of the spine for call number).

  2. Stamp “Noncirculating” (use red ink) on the first page of the book.

  3. Create an item.

  4. update summary holding

  5. Insert add volume slip into the book.

  6. Place the catalogued book on Daily Truck



Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian