Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
Guideline 400 - Library Emergency Response Plan
Guideline 400 – Library Emergency Response Plan
Purpose of the Plan
A Building Emergency Response Plan is a strategic plan to provide the procedures necessary to cope with most types of emergencies with respect to a specific building.
The purpose of this plan is to enable staff to perform essential emergency planning and basic functions that can help save lives by outlining simple steps to be taken in the event of an emergency.
This plan may assign roles and responsibilities to areas and individuals that are directly responsible for emergency response efforts, critical support services, and provides a management structure for coordinating and deploying essential resources.
Scope of the Plan
Any emergency that potentially affects our students, faculty, staff, and visitors within our facility will activate this plan.
An Emergency Response Plan guides preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation actions and may be activated during any of the following incidents, which may include, but are not limited to:
Active Shooters
Chemical, biological, radiation, explosive incidents
Fires (see Guideline 401 – "Emergency Procedures (Fire)")
Inclement Weather
Medical Emergencies
Utility Emergencies (see Guideline 402 – "Emergency Procedures (Power Blackout)"
Disasters to Collections - See Guideline 440 "Disaster Action Team" and its "Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Plan."
And any other emergency in the building.
Objectives of the Emergency Response Plan
Managing any crisis requires coordinating resources within the Library Building to meet the following objectives:
Provide safety and security for our staff and patrons
Tend to victims of both direct and indirect consequences of critical incidents
Reduce the potential for injury or damage
Provide factual and timely information to building occupants
Building Contacts
Building Manager Melissa Buttonx5-2356
Other key players within building here:
Director Patrick Dawson x5-2356
Associate Director Joyce Tenney x5-3594
Associate Director Robin Moskal x5-3812
Chief Curator Tom Beck x5-3827
Associate Director Lynda Aldana x5-3468
Emergency Phone Numbers:
Campus Police* x5-5555
Facilities Management x5-2550
Inclement Weather Hotlinex5-6789
University Health Services x5-2542
Office of Environmental Safety & Health x5-2718
University Counseling Center x5-2473
Poison Control Center (800)-222-1222
*Contact Campus Police to reach ambulance, fire, and/or emergency responders.
Communication Chain (phone trees) for Emergencies
To be established within units as needed.
Note provisions in Guideline 672 – "Performance Standards for Working Off Site" for communication within units.
Emergency Notification System:
UMBC has partnered with e2campus to create an emergency notification system using your cell phone's text messaging capabilities and/or your private email account. This notification system will alert subscribers to any campus-related emergency (such as a potential campus safety hazard or campus closure due to weather). Normal text messaging rates apply. There are no additional charges. To sign up go to (\\\Dept\UC\POLICIES AND PROCEDURES\\notifications). In addition you may elect to be part of a sub-group for messages specifically related to the facility.
A phone "tree" has also been established for the sharing and dissemination of additional information.
Fire or Smoke
For fire that has not activated the alarm system, pull a fire alarm. For smoke that has not activated the alarm system, contact campus police for guidance.
The fire alarm panels are small red boxes located on the inside wall of every entrance or emergency exit of the building.
Once pulled, the alarms will sound and evacuation procedures will go into effect
Evacuation Procedures:
When evacuating follow these steps:
Quickly secure workstations and head to the nearest exit or exit stairwell; inform the general public of the need to evacuate along the way. Elevators may not be used.
As an emergency precaution, the fire doors, located on all levels of the building, automatically close upon activation of the alarms. Do not prop open these doors.
The front plaza is the primary designated relocation space and foot of Walker Avenue is the secondary relocation space.
If someone needs assistance going down the stairs, help them to the staircase and assist as best you can. If you are physically unable to assist call the campus police at 410-455-5555 and notify them of the situation.
Once you have exited the building proceed to the designated relocation space as quickly as possible and wait for instructions.
Once the situation is neutralized; Campus Police, in consultation with Facilities Management, and the Emergency Responders will give the "all clear."
Treat all alarms as real unless otherwise notified.
Shelter-in-Place Procedures
If the emergency requires sheltering in place, seek information from supervisors as to gathering locations and other precautions.
There are preemptive steps that can be taken to mitigate the effects of an earthquake.
Before an earthquake
Fasten shelves securely to walls
Place large, heavy, and breakable objects on lower shelves
Keep walkways clear
Locate safe-spots in your office/office suit that are under sturdy tables, away from windows, and away from windows
During an earthquake
Drop, cover, and hold on
Drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or piece of furniture, hold on until the shaking stops
Stay away from glass, windows, doors, walls, and furniture that could fall over
Once the shaking stops leave the building through the emergency exit stairwells
Be aware that the earthquake could trigger the sprinkler and/or fire alarm system
Once outside stay clear from buildings and follow the instructions of Campus Police (you may be relocated to a public shelter)
After an earthquake
Expect aftershocks, normally less violent but could cause additional damage
Help injured or trapped persons to the best of your ability; seek assistance if possible
Stay away from damaged areas
If/when you are able to return to your office space be cautious of opening cabinets/closets as items may have shifted
Assess the area for utility damage (water, electricity, gas leaks, etc)
Evacuation Procedures
See procedures in Guidelines 401 and 402, and especially Guideline 431 – "Library Exit Security Guidelines & Procedures."
Staff are not responsible for evacuating others.
Inclement Weather Procedures:
For the most reliable information pertaining to campus closing, reopening, or late opening; rely on only 4 official sources:
UMBC's homepage
Inclement Weather Hotline x5-6789
E2campus Text Message/Email Notifications
Supervisors will coordinate a building-wide effort to get people into safe locations and away from windows and open areas.
Announcement over the PA system, text alert, and email – when possible – will alert people of the situation and direct everyone towards the designated areas of refuge.
Prolonged Power Outages
A prolonged power outage could severely debilitate operations campus-wide. The University Emergency Council will determine whether or not campus will remain open.
See Guideline 402
Disorderly Individual in an Office Area
An irate individual in a closed office space could present a unique risk as space, exits, and people are limited. If you find yourself in this type of situation, use the following guidelines:
Remain calm
Assist the person as best you can and attempt to calm them down
Depending on the situation, suggest that they speak with your supervisor or one of the Associate Directors
If you begin to feel that your safety is in jeopardy and are being threatened, inform the person that you are uncomfortable with the situation and if they do not leave you will have to call Campus Police (x5-5555).
See also Guideline 451 – "Staff-Only Areas."
Suspicious Letters and Packages
Characteristics of a suspicious letter or package include:
No return address
Lopsided, heavy, visible leaks or spills
Improper spelling
Excessive use of posting and tape or securing material
If you feel you have received a suspicious letter or package:
Handle with care – do not shake or open any further
Isolate the package
DO NOT smell or taste any substance that comes out of the package
Call Campus Police (x5-5555)
Evacuate the area immediately
Wash your hands with soap and warm water
Hazardous Spills
A hazardous spill situation (including bodily fluids) could occur at anytime in any location of the building.
Secure the area as best possible without putting yourself in harm's way or getting the material on yourself
Contact Operations (x5-3456) as soon as possible
Contact Campus Police (x5-5555)
Indicate whether or not emergency medical services are needed
You may be asked to provide further information concerning the events leading up to the spill/accident
Active Shooter
If there is an active shooter on campus:
Call Campus Police immediately (x5-5555)
DO NOT approach the individual
Notify others of the danger
Move to a safe location (area of refuge) as soon as possible
Preferably a room away from windows, with a lockable door from the inside
If the shooter is in your office or area:
Call Campus Police immediately (x5-5555)
If you cannot speak, leave the line open so police can hear what is going on
Use common sense
If flight is impossible, follow the instructions of the individual
Do not count on walls or doors to be sufficient protection for bullets
Attempting to overcome the individual should be a last resort
Bomb Threats
If someone calls you with a bomb threat:
Remain calm and attempt to keep the caller on the phone as long as possible
Get as much information from the caller as possible:
Who the caller is
Where they are calling from
Where the bomb is located
What time the bomb is set to detonate
What are their motives
Any identifying characteristics of the caller:
Do they have an accent?
Age range
Do they sound like they could be a student, faculty, or staff member?
Box:Basic Building Emergency Response Plan
Draft from UMBC Police model 5/13/13 lw
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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian