How can I find theses and dissertations?

How can I find theses and dissertations?


Finding Theses & Dissertations

UMBC Theses & Dissertations

  • Digitized Copies of UMBC Theses & Dissertations
    Dissertations & Theses @UMBC (Proquest) provides access to citations, abstracts and some PDF full text (1991-) of dissertations and theses from UMBC graduate students.

  • Bound UMBC Theses & Dissertations

    To find bound theses and dissertations submitted by UMBC graduate students, you will need to search the UMBC library catalog.

    NOTE: Original copies are kept in Special Collections.
    Dissertations only from 1976 - 2007: A second copy is available in the circulating collection: FOLIO LD3231.M6954d-- (5th floor).

    Search Tips- This search works best if you know the author or title

    • search for words in... thesis institution/place and enter Baltimore County as a two-word phrase AND

      • search for words in... Author and enter the author's last name

      • OR - search for words in... Title and enter keywords from the title

Non-UMBC Theses & Dissertations

  • Digitized Copies of Non-UMBC Theses & Dissertations
    Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest) Indexes and abstracts dissertations and theses primarily from the U.S and Canada. Dissertations are abstracted since 1980, theses abstracted since 1988. PDF full text is available for dissertations published since 1997 (1991 from UMBC).




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