Schedule a cross listed / combined class section

Before You Begin...

Combined classes in SA are the same as cross-listed classes.   Combined classes mean that the following class attributes are the same:

  • Share an instructor

  • Meet at the same time during the week

  • Meet in the same location

Before a class can be combined in SA, both classes must be first created in SA. 

The difference between a cross listed class and a combined class is:

Cross Listed Classes

Combined Classes

Cross Listed Classes

Combined Classes

  • Cross listed at the Catalog level

  • Approved by UGC

  • Are permanent  

  • They roll each term as a cross listed class

  • They can vary from term to term

  • The scheduling coordinator must request that the classes be combined each term (complete the spreadsheet and submit it to the Registrar's Office via RT)

  • They DO NOT roll as a combined class.   

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SA Tip

 If you have questions related to your cross listed/combined classes, please reach out to the Registrar's Office prior to the deadline.  Submit an RT ticket and assign it to the Scheduling Queue.

 Cross Listed/Combined Business Process 


Still Need Help?

Contact the Registrar's Office at or 410-455-2500.

Related FAQ's & Other Links

Cross Listed Spreadsheet (use as a tool when managing cross listed/combined classes)