How do I register for classes at UMBC?

How do I register for classes at UMBC?

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Open your preferred Internet browser.


Go to http://my.umbc.edu


Click Login.

If you are already logged into myUMBC, your name will be displayed on the top, right-hand corner of the screen. To the left of the log-out.


Click Profile on the menu bar at the top of the page.


Click Registration in the left link menu.


Click Student Schedule & Registration.

This takes you to the Edit Classes screen.

You can make changes to courses in which you are currently enrolled from this screen.

Edits include changing the grade method and number of credits if applicable.

Click Class Search, under the Registration drop down, from the left navigation menu.

Select a Term (this is required) from the drop down menu, along with additional filter criteria. Click More Filters to show all search options. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Use a combination of Subject and Catalog number to search for a specific course (ex: ENGL 100).

  2. Enter a Class Number if you know the class number of the specific section in which you would like to enroll. 

  3. Use Instruction Mode to search for courses that meet in person, online, or in hybrid format.

  4. Use Course Attribute and Course Attribute Value to search for courses that fulfill a specific General Education Requirement (GEP). 

  5. Uncheck "Show Open Classes Only" if you would like to look for courses that are full, but may have room on the waitlist.

Click Search and review the list of available courses.

Click on a course to show course details.

class search result expanded 2025.png

Click the three dots on the right to click on Enroll and begin the enrollment checkout process for this course. Alternatively, you can select another option 

  1. Add To Planner will add this course to you planner if you want to plan on taking the course in a future term. Click HERE for more information about the Planner.

  2. Add To Schedule Builder will add this course to the Schedule Builder. Click HERE for more information about Schedule Builder.

  3. Add To Cart will add the course to your shopping cart. Select this option if you want to add multiple classes to your shopping cart and complete the enrollment checkout process of all of them at the same time. You will need to go to the Add Classes screen (from the left link menu) to complete your enrollment transaction.

class search enroll 2025.png

Select from the available grading methods and credit counts (if applicable) and then click Save.

Review the courses in which you are enrolled by returning to the Edit Classes page from the left link menu



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