Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Wiki Basics


  • Confluence - Enterprise wiki provided by DoIT. We often use the terms "Confluence" and "Staff Wiki" interchangeably.

  • Space - Confluence organizes content into "Spaces." UMBC has several spaces; our space is the Library Space. The Dashboard lists all of the Spaces available at UMBC. You can also access a personal Space by logging into the Staff Wiki and clicking on your name at the top of the page, or by going to
  • Parent Page - A page that has other pages created underneath it. A parent page may be a child of another page.

  • Children - These are pages created underneath the parent page and associated with it. A child of one page may be a parent of other pages.

  • Rich Text Editor - This editor allows you to enter content as you would in a Word document, and apply formatting simply by clicking icons on a toolbar.

  • Wiki Markup Editor - This editor allows you to edit Confluence pages directly in wiki markup language. Some advanced layout editing is only possible in the Wiki Markup Editor.

  • Labels - User-defined tag words that can be assigned to pages and bookmarks to categorize or identify content.

Navigating the Staff Wiki

  • Left Menu - Displays expandable list of site contents.

    • Click on the + symbol to expand the list; Click on the link name to go to the selected page

  • Menu Bar

    • Breadcrumbs - see where you are in the wiki hierarchy and navigate to higher-level pages

    • Browse - use the drop-down menu to view wiki contents by type (pages, attachments, labels, etc.)

    • Log in - Log in to view restricted content

  • Page Functions

    • Edit - edit the current page

    • Add - add a new page, blog post, or attachment

    • Tools - view page history and attachments

Page Titles

  • Confluence does not accept the following characters in the title of a page:

    : @ / \ | ^ # $ ; ~ [ ] { } < >
  • Page titles must be unique within a space.

Spell Checking

Confluence does not have a built-in spell checker, but you can use a browser-based spell checker.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian