Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Adding and deleting records in SFX

Ex Libris’ SFX is the serials records database and link resolver used in the Ebscohost databases (America: History & Life, Academic Search Premier, etc.) a few vendor platform databases, and the library catalog.  It is centrally managed at College Park by CLAS, but we have the ability to add or edit holdings when needed.  Updating or adding entire collections in SFX may be something that is done in Technical Services at AOK Library, but it has never been part of the Discovery Services Librarian’s responsibility.

After logging into SFX Admin (at - contact CLAS for login information), to add or edit a title, click on ‘objects’ and search for the title.  When the correct title comes up by itself or in a list of similar titles, click on the ‘P’ link to the right.  This will give you a list of available portfolios for the title. Find any portfolios that you know we should get the title from; most of these should have a green dot after the name of the portfolio.  Make sure that the portfolio has ‘getFullTxt’ under the Service column, and that this has a green dot also.  Under the ‘Act’ column for that row, this portfolio should have a yellow check mark.  If the check mark is white, click it to turn it yellow.  This should add the resource.

You can check coverage dates for a resource in a given portfolio by clicking the little red symbol directly to the right of the ‘C’ in any given portfolio’s row. If this information is wrong, it is possible to adjust coverage/holdings data for titles.  This is a somewhat more involved procedure, and documentation and exercises can be found here:

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian