Public Services Wow Cards

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki

Public Services Wow Cards

WowCards are intended to recognize Public Services employees who have gone "above and beyond" their everyday duties in helping our users or co-workers in advancing the mission of the Library & Gallery, and/or in embodying the values of Public Services.

You may receive a Wow Card from the Public Services Associate Director, a supervisor, or a peer; in return, you may give them to a peer or a supervisor in Public Services. 

If a coworker does something that makes you say, “Wow!” (in a good way), consider giving them a card or recommending them to their supervisor for a card. If you give someone a card, consider sending an email to me and/or their supervisor so we can recognize their great work too! 

In order to leave the definition of “above and beyond” open to interpretation, I’ve intentionally avoided listing examples of the types of actions that might result in giving or receiving a Wow card.

When you collect enough Wow Cards, you may trade them for prizes:

  • 2 Wow cards = ownership of the Hype button for 1 week. Get HYPE! Impress your friends and colleagues with your enthusiasm and loud noises.

  • 5 Wow cards = $5 gift card to Starbucks (or another campus shop of your choice.)

  • 10 Wow cards = Lunch on campus with Tim. Bring up to 2 colleagues for 2 additional Wow cards each (so 2 people could put up 6 cards each; 3 people could put up 4-5 cards each)

Other suggestions for prizes are welcome and encouraged.

Don't forget about other avenues for recognizing your co-workers – you can send them to Tim for inclusion in regular PSD Updates, or submit a High Five!

The fine print:

The Wow Cards are solely for entertainment and have no cash value. They are intended to recognize individual actions and should not be construed as a replacement for required UMBC performance review processes or forms. The Associate Director reserves the right to make changes or cancel this program at his discretion and without notice.

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian