Which Academic Support Should I Use?
There are many resources available to help students succeed in their courses, and students can use any or all of them.
Instructor Office Hours - A great way to get questions answered about course content. These office hours are listed in the syllabus.
Academic Success Center Services:
SI PASS - trained, faculty approved peers lead weekly review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. Students learn how to integrate course content and study skills while practicing together.
Appointment Tutoring - one-time (or weekly) 50 minute appointments in small groups with a trained, faculty recommended peer to discuss course concepts and clarify questions students may have about the material.
Drop-in Tutoring - Students work on coursework and can ask quick questions of the trained, faculty recommended tutor, who circulates through the students present.
Computing Success Center - offers drop-in assistance to students enrolled in computer science, computer engineering, and information systems courses. Faculty approved, trained peers also provide support with programming languages for all students, regardless of major or course.
Academic Skills Meetings – offers a one-to-one appointment with a trained peer to help support students with finding Resources on Campus, Time Management, Motivation Tips, and Study Skills
Writing Center – a one-to-one appointment with a trained peer to help students improve a writing assignment for any course, at any stage in the writing process.
Departmental Tutoring:
Chemistry Tutorial Center - Sign up for a one-hour, weekly slot for the semester to review content with a teaching assistant selected by the faculty.
Physics Tutorial Center - Course instructors and physics graduate students provide one-on-one help on a walk-in basis